Unkel’s Daggers A chef’s knife can be as familiar as the guests at your table, a hunting knife as lucky as the weather on the season opener.
Studio Robazzo Confident, charming, and quirky, these millennials are being trusted with some of Victoria’s most public projects.
John Green, Mr. Sasquatch Little did he know that his yarn about a sasquatch kidnapping a woman from the Harrison Hot Springs Hotel would foreshadow his future as the one of the world’s most famous cryptozoologists.
Snowdon House Once destined to be chopped down, lit up for a few weeks, and then unceremoniously chipped, Douglas fir trees became the main ingredient in a collection of delightful food items.
Carey Newman’s “Witness Blanket” The blanket is as long as a city bus and contains more than 800 physical pieces of history.
Vancouver’s Historic Street Trees Examples of Vancouver’s rich living history can be found across the city, which is home to 138,000 boulevard trees of nearly 600 species, with an estimated value of more than $500-million.
Donald Allen’s Doormats and Things Art appears in the most unusual places. Like on one’s doorstep. The porch of Donald Allen’s character house in Victoria showcases the roots and the reach of his artwork.