The heart and soul of a dish is often a fairly basic ingredient, sourced well, and prepared with due attention and maybe some passion stirred in. We spend quite a bit of time searching for such ingredients, or talking with people who know the secrets of such things. Here you will find five of our favourites.
Vancouver’s Urban Farms, Autumn 2012 Issue.
Photographed by Alana Paterson.
Harvesting garlic with Victory Gardens, Autumn 2012 Issue.
Photographed by Alana Paterson.
Freshly harvested sea asparagus at Olakai Hawaii, Spring 2013 Issue.
Harvesting artichokes at Glen Valley Artichoke Farms, Autumn 2011 Issue.
Tyler Gray of Mikuni Wild Harvest, Spring 2012 issue.
Photographed by Grant Harder.
Tyler Gray of Mikuni Wild Harvest, Spring 2012 issue.
Photographed by Grant Harder.