Jayson Woodbridge has assembled a winemaking team unlike others. They make, together, wines called Layer Cake, but the kick of it is they make Layer Cake in five different countries, and use different grape varieties in each. Grenache in Spain; malbec in Argentina; shiraz in Australia; primitivo in Italy; cabernet sauvignon and, recently, chardonnay in California. The wines can, in a fairly general way, be described as full-bodied, robust, more New World than Old World in style, certainly. But each displays good structure and balance, with good depth. Tasting them blind, side by side, would be quite a challenge; discerning which is the malbec, which the grenache is not so easy as one might think. All the wines hover around the $25 mark. It is a safe bet to say if you like one, you are probably going to like them all.