Aislinn Hunter

Words in motion.

Words in Motion is part of the ongoing Beyond Words series, which began in 2012. The central idea is to unite artists from two different disciplines, to create a unique performance. In this case, for Words in Motion, three literary figures were integrated with three choreographers. The results, which will be shown at the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts in conjunction with The Dance Centre on March 18 and 19, will surely be stirring.

The writers are Aislinn Hunter, Carmen Aguirre, and Nancy Lee; the choreographers are, in order, Anusha Fernando, Olivia C. Davies, and Paraskevas Terezakis. Working with Fernando, based on her award-winning novel The World Before Us, was, for Hunter, “a revelation”.  She explains further, over a coffee: “Anusha’s vision was for me a whole new way of understanding some of the themes in my own work: themes of loss, of discovery, of understanding alternative realities.” Hunter’s novel has a heroine who is afflicted by a tragic loss, and subsequently embarks on a journey through the past, in the form of an unsolved disappearance that took place centuries ago. Her fiction explores a living person’s relationship with the bygone, and how the present, physical world might interact both with the past, and with non-corporeal elements.

Fernando’s choreography will emphasize fluidity and a wide variety of delicate, intricate hand movements to explore Hunter’s themes in dance, rather than through words on a page. “Working with Anusha was a fantastic experience,” iterates Hunter. “I could really relate to how she was creating my own fictional characters, in dance form. And it was interesting to see the themes I had worked with, made real in a completely different art form.”


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Post Date:

March 18, 2016