The Hidden History of Kitsilano Beach It may be a haven for the beautiful people now, but the history of Vancouver’s “muscle beach” is anything but pretty.
Hotel Vancouver Turns 80 A new exhibition celebrating the history of the Vancouver landmark involved bringing a live horse into the lobby.
Hollywood Hospital In late 1950s through the ‘60s, the New Westminster facility was known for its work in the controversial field of psychedelic therapy.
Murder by Milkshake A Vancouver historian’s book brings to life the story of an infamous local homicide.
The Outrageous Life And Death Of Francis Rattenbury A tale of a man driven to succeed at all costs; of bankruptcies and ruined lives; and of arrogance, corruption, scandal, and murder.
Vancouver Public Library’s Redesigned Rooftop Garden At long last, a formerly closed-off space begins welcoming the community.
The Vancouver Alpen Club Founded in 1935, the club is a place for generations of German-Canadians (and all other Canadians) to eat, drink, sing, dance, and connect.
The Buntzen Lake Powerhouses When they were first constructed at the dawn of the electric age, they were the first of their kind in North America—and were also at the centre of a major controversy.