Arts How a Photo of Vancouver Island Tadpoles Made Shane Gross the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Patience, planning, and a good eye won the day.
Transportation How John Lennon’s Psychedelic Rolls-Royce Ended up in B.C. And where you can go to see it.
Impact These Archival Photos of First Nations in B.C. Shine a Light on Traditional Daily Life The Royal BC Museum is digitizing more than 20,000 photos of Indigenous communities, with help from FortisBC.
Arts Maya: The Great Jaguar Rises Stone Diaries. A major exhibition of more than 300 Mayan artefacts dating back some 3,000 years opens at Victoria’s Royal BC Museum.
Community Behind the Scenes at the Royal BC Museum More to see. While museum visitors explore two floors of permanent exhibits reflecting British Columbia’s human and natural history, the majority of the collection is tucked away.