Form, function, and a fabulous five years of architecture can be found in MONTECRISTO Magazine. Interviews with Patkau Architects, Scott Cohen, the legendary Fred Hollingsworth, and more, all framed in knowledgeable prose, providing an intimate look at some of the best practitioners in the world.
Tula House, Quadra Island, designed by Patkau Architects. Autumn 2013 issue.
Winnipeg Skating Shelters, designed by Patkau Architects. Autumn 2013 issue.
Nuba on East 3rd in Vancouver, designed by Scott Cohen. Winter 2012 issue.
The Acorn, designed by Scott Cohen. Winter 2012 issue.
Detail shot of the undulating “petal” roof of the VanDusen Botanical Garden Visitor Centre, photo taken before completion. Winter 2011 issue.
The Joseph Segal Family Atrium at the VanDusen Botanical Garden Visitor Centre, photo taken prior to completion. Winter 2011 issue.
The upper lobby at SFU Woodward’s, designed by Proscenium Architecture and Interiors. Spring 2010 issue.
The redesigned lobby at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre, designed by Proscenium Architecture and Interiors. Spring 2010 issue.